Your First Airsoft Match: 4 Mistakes You Should Avoid

Airsoft matches are a combination of gun shooting ranges and the survival game genre. It’s an activity that engages all of your senses as you fight an opposing team or try to be the last player standing.

No amount of reading up on airsoft matches can teach you to be a better player. It’s one of the many sports that you need to experience to understand. However, there are some common mistakes that you can avoid by reading up on amateur blunders.


Avoiding amateur mistakes during an airsoft match

Your first try at an airsoft match will always be your worst. Your unfamiliarity with wearing the gear, maneuvering around the play area, and coordinating with your team are things that you need to experience to get better at. Thankfully, there are some common mistakes you can avoid even before you gear up.

If you’re planning to go on your first airsoft match, here are four mistakes you should avoid:


1. Ignoring community rules

Observing the rules is an essential part of any sport, regardless of what game it is. If you don’t want to ruin a good time, you need to educate yourself about the rules beforehand. Doing so will prevent you from being too confused while you’re already at the game site. Some practices will vary from place to place, especially if you’re playing against a specific airsoft community.


2. Investing in the wrong weapon

Using a budget-friendly airsoft gun is excellent for practice shooting, especially if you’re not familiar with handling guns. However, it’s not the best option to use your budget gun for an actual match. There’s a wide selection of guns you can choose from that will work better for you.

Using a pistol as your primary weapon where everyone has long-range guns will put you at a severe disadvantage. Look at your options and consider range, ammo capacity, and red dot view so that you can have a better chance of not losing at your first match.


3. Neglecting your fitness

Airsoft matches require you to be quick and agile to respond to different environmental factors. It involves plenty of running, ducking, crouching, and chasing. It’s best to prepare your body physically before you enter the game field. You don’t necessarily need to have a bulky body. Still, it will benefit you to exercise your core and lower body muscles for greater mobility.


4. Undermining your weight

Besides observing your physical fitness, you need to be mindful of your weight. Bringing too many weapons or accessories won’t do you any good if you’re too slow to get from one place to another. Try to pack light on your first game so that you won’t look like a walking target for the enemy. Since it’s your first match, cut down on your gun’s accessories and focus on your range and sustainability. Do this by packing light weapons and extra magazines.



If you won, then it’s an opportunity for you to enjoy the thrill of the game. However, don’t feel too disheartened about losing your first match. There are many factors about airsoft matches you need to experience to learn, which is why you should put in the time if you want to be better at it.

Doing your research is an excellent way to know the basics and intricacies of any sport. Want to learn more about how to be a better player for airsoft matches? Check out our online blog for informative airsoft articles that give playing tips and advanced techniques!

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