What to Know Before Buying Airsoft Guns for Your Kids

One of the trending sports of this age is the phenomenon called airsoft. It utilizes the use of airsoft guns, where competitors engage in a simulated battle in a cordoned-off area. While the sport itself is pretty straightforward, the implements they use are truly a marvel to behold.

Airsoft guns are replica guns, meaning that they are shaped and modeled after real weapons. However, rather than shooting real bullets, they shoot pellets made from refined plastic. That said, these toys are popular among children, and chances are, you are reading this because your kids want to buy one! 

If you want to know more about airsoft guns before making the final decision, then here is what you need to know about these toys.

1. They look like real guns

As mentioned before, they are shaped and modeled after real guns—this means that they look like real weapons! Some even go as far as adding sounds and mechanisms that help the gun even feel and sound like a real gun.

2. They have been around for a long time

Airsoft guns have been around for a lot longer than you may realize, and even longer than paintballs. These guns were first created back in Japan and utilized compressed air fed into the gun using a hose.

They were relatively popular, used to shoot targets, or even carry out war games. After a while, a battery-powered version of the gun came out. This boosted its popularity even more and is now found worldwide.

3. They are low-velocity and non-lethal

Despite looking like real guns, they are non-lethal and low-velocity. They are built to shoot light plastic BB bullets that travel around 500 feet per second. This number can vary depending on the type of airsoft gun. 

However, keep in mind that while they are supposedly non-lethal, they can still hurt somebody quite severely. For this reason, if your children do play around with airsoft guns, it is imperative that they wear protective gear and understand what they can and cannot do with it.

4. Safety is still a critical aspect

To delve deeper into an airsoft gun’s safety aspects, here are some rules you will need to teach your children:

  1. They should always wear eyewear when shooting these guns, and they should never look down the barrel no matter what.
  2. The guns should always be on safety until ready to shoot.
  3. The finger should never rest on the trigger until aiming at something and prepared to shoot in a safe direction.

Put simply, your kids should treat airsoft guns like real guns. With those rules laid down and followed, your kids can enjoy these toys without hurting themselves or anyone else.


Airsoft guns are perfectly safe to play around with, given your children are aware of the ground rules and practice them when playing around with the guns. That said, there are various airsoft guns in the market, from weaker ones to stronger ones. 

If you are buying them for your kids, do take the time to look at the options with them by your side. This way, you can ensure that they know why you are choosing a particular option for them, whether for budget reasons, safety concerns, or more.

Air Soft Lounge is your source of airsoft-related articles, bringing more knowledge about the airsoft world to your fingers. For more information about airsoft guns, check out what we have in store for you!

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