The Do’s and Dont’s of Getting Women to Play Airsoft

There is much fun and excitement that comes with playing airsoft. The idea of using an airsoft gun and hitting your opponents with spherical plastic projectiles in a vast environment can be overwhelmingly amazing. It’s as if you and your peers are on an actual battlefield, but the only difference is that you don’t get completely knocked out. Needless to say, airsoft is still a highly competitive shooting sport!

However, have you ever wondered what it takes to invite women to join the bandwagon and experience the fun? The chances are that they are quite hesitant to take the plunge at first. But fret not, as we’ve prepared some do’s and don’ts in getting the women to play airsoft:

The DO’s of sharing your airsoft hobby

Keep in mind that convincing ladies to play airsoft may not be as easy as you might expect. It’s not like you’ll ask them to join, and they’ll immediately say “Yes!” They will likely assume that this is a deadly game only designed for men. So, whether you’re trying to convince your girl, spouse, female colleagues, or female friends, remember to invite them in a subtle yet strategic manner. That said, here are some practical do’s you must follow:

  • Have them watch video clips of women dominating on the airsoft field. This will empower them to take on the game as other women have!
  • Allow them to shoot you with your favorite airsoft gun to spark their curiosity and interest.
  • Give them the option to pick a gun they’d like to learn. At the same time, teach them the four rules of firearm safety:
    • Always treat every gun as if it were loaded.
    • Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
    • Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
    • Always be sure of your target and beyond.
  • Give them the best gun in your arsenal. 
  • Take them to the field to watch the game. Have them hang back, get comfortable with their guns, and shoot from long ranges.
  • Let them learn some tactics so that they can gain confidence in their abilities.

The DON’Ts of sharing your airsoft hobby

On the other hand, take note of some things you mustn’t do when inviting the ladies for an airsoft game. If you aren’t mindful, you might unintentionally discourage them from joining. Here are some don’ts you must be wary of:

  • Don’t let them start shooting with more advanced guns.
  • Don’t give them a giant, heavy, or a crappy weapon.
  • Don’t hand them up with guns and expect them to learn on their own.
  • Don’t show them video clips of injuries and accidents related to airsoft games.
  • Don’t take them in a high-intensity environment for the first time.
  • Don’t leave them alone on the battlefield by assisting them often.


At this point, you now know how you can try and get ladies to join the fun and competitive airsoft game. To that end, be sure to follow the do’s and don’ts outlined above so that you’ll have a greater chance of convincing them. Keep in mind that this game isn’t only for the men but also for the women out there who are looking for a physical and mental challenge!

Are you in need of airsoft tips and tricks? You’ve come to the right place, as we’re your go-to online platform that covers everything related to airsoft. Check our site and read our variety of articles to get some useful information for your next game!

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